Sunday, December 21, 2008

Modal System of Music

The modal system comprises seven modes where each mode represents a tribe in the ancient Greek civilization.In this system no sharps are used i.e every mode consists of combination of the following notes : ABCDEFG.
Following are the modes in the basic modal system of music:

  • Ionian Mode: Starts with the note C and the mode progresses as : CDEFGABC which is nothing but the C Major Diatonic Scale.
  • Dorian Mode: Starts with the note D and progresses as DEFGABC
  • Phrygian Mode: Starts with the note E and progresses as EFGABCD
  • Lydian Mode: Starts with the note F and progresses as FGABCDE
  • Mixo-Lydian Mode: Starts with the note G and progresses as GABCDEF
  • Aeoline Mode: Starts with the note A and progresses as ABCDEFG
  • Locrian Mode: Starts with the note B and progresses as BCDEFGA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You just killed whatever interest I had in Guitars. :(